Happy Friday the 13th
Well lets hope no one has bad luck today.
If you live in the Pacific North West, you know we got a lot more than 2 inches of snow. What is normally a fun event turned into 10-14 inches of snow. And since we ar not used to it, things have been at a stop for most of the week.
For us at the home front tho we have been dealing with power outages, a misfiring hot water heater, broken heat furnace, 20 degree weather and freezing pipes. And that has all been in the first 13 days of the year. So I sincerely apologize for my lack of posting but I hope you can see why.
Before the end of the year tho, the day of Graduation, we where able to meet up with K.J. Murr, the winner of our Name the Mascot contest, and give to him his prize: A Dance Off: Furry Fury game with a card from each artist signed. Gayle, Cassandra and myself where there for it.
Jim/Dark hammer