Happy Holidays!
First off, let me please wish everyone a Happy Holidays, and a Better New Year!
I know this blog is a bit overdue, but let me take a moment to explain what has been going on this last month.
As you know I have been a student at the Art institute, and as of Dec 16th, I am now officially a graduate of the AI. So in part the last month has been prepping my final assignments, getting my webpage assembled (separate from this one) and getting my portfolio ready to show to future employers. That in itself is stressful and time consuming, but then we throw a couple of tragedies in the mix.
In the midst of the homework, we have been trying to get our car situation fixed, since we broke one of the cam shafts in our car. What w thought would be an easy fix has turned into having to remove the head and replacing it. So where I could spend time, I would work on that. it is still not done.
The next is more personal, as my wife came down with am infection in her leg that nearly cost her her own finals for a class, but left her in the hospital for 5 days right before my finals. I stayed with her 90% of the time save for trips to feed the cats and myself, but that ordeal was a mess as she still has bruises on her arms from all the needles and IVs. She has been getting better but the first week home was trying as I was being her nurse maid and trying to work on my final portfolio pieces. She has returned ot her full time job, but is still in pain as she cannot elevate her leg. And to her annoyance she is walking with a cane for now.
So I hope you can understand my delays on updates, and forgive me this longer blog post. But needless to say, we have our fingers crossed on a much better 2017.